Life Planner 12 Months

Life Planner 12 Months


Discover the secrets of success

Most importantly, know when you are likely to experience life-changing circumstances and how you will benefit from these when they occur in the year ahead.

Your Life Planner12 Month provides guidance about your love life, money, and work. Includes valuable advice about what best to do and NOT to do during this period.

40% discount available when you get it with the Career Potential package

70 + Pages

Life Planner Email Discount was $19.95

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We use your name and date of birth to deliver a personalized reading. Your email will only be used to send you occasional newsletters you can easily unsubscribe from anytime. We won't sell your email.

Your Life Planner 12 Months

Life Planner 12 Months
Everyday activity

Monthly interpretations describe your thoughts, feelings, and desires. They feature the Sun and the faster moving inner personal planets Mercury, Venus, and Mars, which affect everyday activities and are listed by date with the duration displayed.

Life Changing Events

Interpretations of the more long-term phases help you understand the general theme of the period, as well as the practical and psychological implications. Also, valuable advice about what best to do and NOT to do during this time.

Information provided is based on the slower moving outer planets Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto.

View Celebrity Sample

Delivery: Instantly on-screen & emailed

Reading Features: Include Easy Print and Read Features – Plus Text to Speech Option

We are here to help. You can update the birth details anytime if you make a mistake or find more accurate birth details.

Special Packages

Career Potential

4 reports in 1 package

Save time and money with our amazing offer.

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